Lucid-GTK Deep DreamerLucid-GTK

A GTK GUI for Caffe based on Google #DeepDream

Open Source

Lucid-GTK is a free and open source GUI for Google DeepDream and Caffe Deep Learning framework.

google deep dream DeepDream
caffe deep learning framework Caffe

Beta Phase

Currently in beta and tested working on Ubuntu 14.04.

You are invited to take it for a test drive today

Image and Video

Features include:
- Input either video or images.
- Automatically save the output to either video or images.
- Rotate and zoom incrementally.
- Adjust output layer, octaves, and iterations on the fly

Some alt text Some alt text Some alt text

β€œAll that we see or seem is but a dream within a dream.” ― Edgar Allan Poe


Please download the latest release

VersionFileChecksumRelease Date
v0.1.3 (beta)DownloadSHA1: 067B99D7EF52EB083D04A57567179D3653694A2709-08-2015
v0.1.2 (beta)DownloadSHA1: CE408782D0460D9FBFDC292DBE03489C27B9A9EC09-08-2015
v0.1.1 (beta)DownloadSHA1: 5C3D2254B18B7664EE9C18C574BAAEDF5EC24B4F07-08-2015
v0.1.0 (beta)DownloadSHA1: 741a733bb1030248c50610ccfd425f3aae7b10b504-08-2015



* You will need to have Caffe installed in order to use Lucid

  1. Download the latest release tarball above
  2. Unpack the tar.gz
  3. Open a terminal and navigate to the unpacked folder
  4. Enter the following commands and enter your password if prompted: ./configure
    sudo make install
  5. Use the terminal command lucid-gtk to start the application running

Sample video output:

Source video

Usage screencast:

Support Open Source Software:

If you enjoy using this software then please consider making a donation, it will certainly encourage me to release more free stuff

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